Hello world!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula commodo efficitur tincidunt. Praesent egestas dui nec varius maximus.

Nulla facilisi. Sed tempus a elit vel sollicitudin. Proin placerat purus metus, in vestibulum erat ullamcorper sit amet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec vitae eros ac nibh ultricies dignissim. Phasellus eu facilisis dui. Suspendisse a sem ac tortor elementum elementum quis in turpis. Vestibulum posuere risus nec ex convallis maximus. In faucibus faucibus mauris eu vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque tempor risus sit amet mi feugiat semper. Aenean nec nisl sed urna vestibulum convallis. Integer non vulputate erat, non pretium nulla. Mauris posuere mauris in malesuada sagittis.

Proin vehicula risus sed ligula lacinia, in pulvinar lacus pretium. Maecenas interdum volutpat efficitur. Pellentesque consequat consequat tortor, vitae tristique erat mattis ut. Quisque justo nunc, vulputate vitae lobortis tempor, efficitur eu mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin convallis neque at neque ultricies imperdiet. Maecenas tellus urna, posuere id neque eu, euismod feugiat nisi. Nulla ultrices, risus sed fringilla mollis, felis velit tempus velit, ut feugiat eros enim sit amet nibh. Vivamus iaculis eros non rutrum ornare. In efficitur neque odio, sed auctor felis tristique non. Aliquam vestibulum ultricies massa, sit amet pellentesque lectus viverra vitae.

Integer porta purus ex, in hendrerit lorem maximus at. Praesent maximus interdum mauris, quis imperdiet tellus rutrum tincidunt. Curabitur feugiat et velit posuere egestas. Mauris lobortis, orci a hendrerit hendrerit, sem nulla tempus metus, nec lobortis nisi turpis vel sem. Praesent blandit convallis mauris eget consectetur. Maecenas porttitor elit et ornare malesuada. Cras a nibh erat. In maximus pellentesque elit, a malesuada ex dapibus vitae. Pellentesque pretium sollicitudin hendrerit. Duis a ultrices dui. Curabitur non augue eu tellus aliquet interdum. Proin urna eros, molestie vel eros ut, eleifend bibendum erat. Praesent pharetra mi elit, nec feugiat metus vehicula sit amet. Maecenas sollicitudin metus non leo hendrerit aliquam.

Morbi commodo sapien sed leo sollicitudin, ac pharetra ante vestibulum. Pellentesque luctus, ante vitae feugiat lobortis, felis turpis porttitor eros, vitae commodo nulla nisl non diam. Vestibulum auctor fermentum molestie. Nam eu consequat ipsum, eu pulvinar purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed sodales, diam et sollicitudin placerat, erat risus porta ante, ac tincidunt nibh quam nec dui. Suspendisse vel enim imperdiet, semper mauris vitae, euismod nisl. Nulla blandit justo at arcu dictum, tincidunt tincidunt diam viverra. Sed mattis tincidunt lectus, et iaculis velit. Nulla sollicitudin ante non tellus pulvinar, sit amet maximus elit tincidunt. Donec vel diam eget nisi pharetra vestibulum nec at tortor. In consectetur, massa eget commodo finibus, orci est dapibus est, tempor pellentesque nisl lorem cursus diam. Suspendisse dignissim tellus elit, et vehicula sem bibendum et. Fusce odio purus, tincidunt id dolor pretium, viverra interdum nisi. Quisque pellentesque, tortor sed tincidunt ornare, massa elit accumsan nunc, vitae gravida mauris elit et ex. Proin condimentum tempus malesuada.

Blog Articles

Background & Philosophy

I have been very fortunate to have worked with the best of the best. Whether it be within the professional sports world, the fledgling start up, the galloping unicorns of the venture and private equity worlds, or the large global conglomerates, my focus is the same: winning. Over the years I have developed an approach […]


I make no excuses in saying I love what I do!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula […]


Test Post Six

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula […]


Test Post Five

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula […]


Test Post Four

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula […]


Test Post Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula […]


Test Post Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula […]


Hello world!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla luctus ante, non posuere sapien consectetur at. Duis sed nisi at nibh malesuada laoreet et vel leo. In sit amet vestibulum libero. Fusce vel sapien ullamcorper, finibus nulla sit amet, tempor orci. Donec accumsan lectus a nisi sodales, vel imperdiet nulla ullamcorper. Vestibulum iaculis ligula […]


Performance Intelligence

When the world financial crisis hit in 2008 there were a small number of people who were able to process what was going on, engage with their teams and people around them, and make the necessary choices to ensure they were successful. Welcome to the world of Performance Intelligence (PQ). Undergoing PQ training helps deliver sustained levels of high performance through: – Developing heightened levels of self awareness – Identifying and increasing your levels of Situation Awareness (the missing link) – Developing your levels of Grounded Confidence that underpin Psychological Safety enabling you to make better choices when they are most required

Behaviour Change

In many situations High Performers are allowed to get away with sometimes questionable behaviours.  The cost of this remaining un-noticed or ignored can often outweigh the perceived benefit such individuals bring.  Helping these High Performers and organisations in dealing with these behaviours, to help the ‘leopard to change their spots’, is huge. Yes it is hard work, yet it is achievable and sustainable. I have developed a process that enables people to face into the reasons that sit behind their behaviours and move to exploring different desired patterns of behaviour. The old behaviours can always be accessed but the real skill comes through people choosing the new behaviours instead.

Grounded Confidence

There is a big difference between those who have it and those who just pretend to.   More importantly everyone can see it the moment they walk in the room. Enabling leaders to walk with a real Grounded Confidence, with the gravitas to support it, creates a solid platform from which to engender High Performance in others as well as developing a new level of trust. The Grounded Confidence course enables leaders to explore where they are currently at, as well as the barriers that get in the way.  They are then able to work within a small group to develop new ways of doing things that continually pushes the envelope. By the end of the course you have a group of leaders who are aware of the things that get in the way of their own performance as well as equipping them with the tools and techniques to lead and influence others to be High Performing.

Elephant In The Room

In many teams or organisations there is often a topic, issue, problem (or person!) that everyone knows exists but is never talked about in open forum for fear of all sorts of consequences. Having the ability to get this subject on the table and discussing it without fear can be the key to unblocking the path to High Performance. I have developed a tool to enable these discussions to take place without the negative emotions getting in the way and messing things up.


Welcome to Elephapp

1. You invite people to partake in a simple survey.
2. They respond anonymously and securely.
3. We Feedback the results to you to help you improve.